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Harnett County Schools are the following 26: Anderson Creek Primary, Angier Elementary, Benhaven Elementary, Boone Trail Elementary, Buies Creek Elementary, Coats Elementary, Coats-Erwin Middle, Dunn Middle, Erwin Elementary, Gentry Primary, Harnett Central High, Harnett Central Middle, Harnett Primary, Highland Elementary, Johnsonville Elementary, LaFayette Elementary, Lillington-Shawtown, Elementary, North Harnett Primary, Overhills Middle, Overhills High South Harnett Elementary, STAR Academy, Triton High, Wayne Avenue, Western Harnett High, and Western Harnett Middle.

Highland Elementary School holds classrooms from PK- 5th grade and has a total of 750 students. One hundred and forty two students attend Kindergarten; One hundred and twenty three students attend the 1st grade; One hundred and twenty eight students attend the 2nd grade; One hundred and eleven students attend the 3 rd grade; One hundred and twenty three students attend the 4th grade; One hundred and twenty three students attend the 5th grade; This Elementary School has approximately 48 teachers with a Student Ratio of 1:19. Highland Elementary School student ethnic background is as follows: American Indian 1%, Asian 2%, Hispanic 7%, Black 31%, and White 59%.

Western Harnett Middle School has approximately 935 students attending grades 6th – 8th. This Middle School has a total of 60 teachers with a Student Ratio 1:16. Three hundred students attend the 6th grade; Three hundred and fifty five students attend the 7th grade; Two hundred and eighty students attend the 8th grade. Western Harnett Middle School has the following ethnic background: Hispanic 8%, Black 31%, and White 61%.

Harnett Central High School holds classrooms in grades 9th - 12th. Approximately 76 teachers teach the schools curriculum to 1267 students. Three hundred and eighty students attend the 9th grade; Three hundred and ninety three students attend the 10th grade; Two hundred and ninety two students attend the 11th grade; Two hundred and fifty two students attend the 12th grade. Harnett Central High School has a Teacher Student Ratio of 1: 17 and has the following ethnic background: Hispanic 6%, Black 26%, and White 67%.

Contact information

Harnett County Schools
1 West Harnett St
Lillington, NC 27546
Phone: (910) 893-8151
Fax: (910) 893-8839

Highland Elementary School
1915 Buffalo Lake Road
Sanford, N.C. 27332
Phone: (919) 499-2200
Fax: (919) 499-2524

Western Harnett Middle School
11135 NC HWY 27W,
Lillington NC, 27546
Phone: (919) 499-4497
Fax: 919-499-1788
E-mail: sdavis@harnett.k12.nc.us

Harnett Central High School
2911 Harnett Central Road
Angier, NC 27501
Phone: (919) 639-6161
Fax: (919) 639-3642
E-mail: jelmore1@harnett.k12.nc.us


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